North Channel UPDATE

I am ecstatic to have confirmed my North Channel attempt between Ireland and Scotland with Captain Brian out of Bangor, Ireland for 28 August – 3 September 2013. Jeff Wilson has confirmed that all my dues have been paid to the Irish Long Distance Swimming Association. My paperwork, including my physical and EKG results have been mailed to Nuala Moore, and all travel plans have been arranged to arrive in Belfast the morning of 16 August 2013. I will be staying in the small town of Bangor at the advice of the ‘King’ Craig Lenning of Colorado – first, and only American to be successful at completing the North Channel. I look forward to continuing to receive advice from Craig, Anne Marie Ward and Stephen Redmond throughout the summer months. Perhaps a trip to the south of Ireland for some swimming with Donal and Ned off Sandycove Island would be in the making as well…

As you can imagine, I am beyond words that I have arrived at the final, and most difficult, chapter of the ‘Oceans Seven’ Challenge. The North Channel was first completed in 1947 by Tom Blower, and has since only allowed 13 swimmers passage across the great North Sea – compare that to the 1,000+ English Channel swimmers, and you could imagine the difficulty. Swimmers are urged to consider this crossing as much more difficult than the English Channel due to the extreme cold, Lion’s Mane jellyfish and incredibly rough water. I choose the late August-early September timeframe in efforts to have the warmest water available, however the average temperature for a crossing ranges from 52-54 degrees; much colder than any channel I have swum thus far. Redmond once said, “Marathon swimming is the closest you will come to death while alive.” There is no doubt the North Channel will push me to that limit…

I have been keeping quite busy since my last post, as I have been kicking my training up a few notches, along with continuing to give plenty of speeches to the local community. We have some very exciting swims, but most importantly, speaking opportunities on the horizon – PLEASE SHARE THE MISSION!

I am very excited for several upcoming events, including speaking at the Fred Rogers Center at St. Vincent College to several hundred strong at the Eagle Scout Ceremony next Tuesday, May 28. Jennifer Benton-Rowe, former swimmer and coach at Murrysville Swimming Club is hosting my family and me for an awesome event in Lancaster, Pennsylvania over the June 8th weekend. She has organized several local swimming teams and community members to come together for a Saturday pool party in Manheim Township, as well as a great speaking event, titled “Rise to the Occasion: Swimmers Do Not Sink!” Her swimmers are awesome, as they all sent me well-wishes and pictures prior to my Cook Strait swim in March. Cannot wait to meet them all!

Tickets are available for the ‘Speaker Survivor Series’ at the Doubletree Hotel in Monroeville on Monday, June 17 from 7:00-8:30pm. Doors open at 6:30PM. This will be a very special evening as you will have the opportunity to listen to Melissa Adams and I speak about our passion for living our best each and every day. Melissa is a breast cancer survivor who founded ‘Cancer Fighting Princess’, a non-profit organization created to meet the social, emotional and physical needs of young women throughout their cancer journey. Proceeds benefit Team Forever and Cancer Fighting Princess! Don’t miss this exciting event…

Every motivational speaking opportunity pushes me to give my best to help motivate and inspire others to achieve, but also continues to raise valuable funds for the Forever Fund at the UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. I have never taken a dime for any of my speeches, as all I ask for in return is a donation back to Team Forever, which in turn 100% benefits the Forever Fund. I am very passionate about motivating and inspiring others – please give me the opportunity to speak with your group


Your kind words keep me going, and your strength is felt all the time. THANK YOU to those of you who continue to support the mission through your expressions of friendship, love and genuine kindness. When hitting those tough, dark times during training and in life, I always know I have such an incredible group of support from all corners of the globe. You are all in my heart and with me every stroke of the way. Let’s get this done… TOGETHER!