Every Breath A Gift… Never Take It For Granted.
Darren wrote these words many years ago on a picture frame in remembrance of a friend after her passing. To this day, it is eternalized in his mind as a motto to live by. He presents The F.O.R.E.V.E.R. Blueprint – a strategic plan including concepts he acquired from completing some of the world’s toughest endurance challenges, two decades of financial sales experience at Fortune 100 firms and managing his charity in support of the UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.
Through a personal journey, his uniquely raw approach empowers his audience by leveraging their own passions to drive success. Darren’s approach to professional speaking centers around creating a resilient individual who is focused on the legacy they will leave behind.
His approach to life has earned him acclaim as a philanthropist and endurance athlete, but his humbled nature reminds his audience of a common man with an unrivaled spirit for taking the ordinary, and achieving the extraordinary.
Seminar & Keynote Engagement
Darren has addressed audiences at recent industry-specific conferences; including finance, healthcare, education, energy, and religious. He will customize his presentation to drive your message.
Darren co-founded the Forever Fund in 2009 in anticipation of his English Channel attempt. To this day, the fund aids families in their struggle to afford the small costs associated with caring for their child in the infant cardiothoracic unit of UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.
Darren was the first swimmer to complete the Oceans Seven on all first attempts. He continues to raise the bar on his athletic journey to raise awareness of philanthropic causes from coast to coast. His passion for inspiring others is the source of inspiration for his podcast, blog and speaking engagements.
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